Hey. Brad here!
Let me ask you something. Is Reddit really a sadistic place? I’ve spent so much time there that I probably have some Stockholm syndrome relationship with it.
Yeah, I’m Reddit’s prisoner… and I can’t stay away.
But hey, I’m not here to rant about Reddit as a whole. I’m here to talk about one of the best subs I used to be on, which has somehow turned into one of the worst.
I’ve already bailed on r/SCJerk, but I can’t help it—I’ve gotta vent.
SCJerk used to be fun, you know? It started as a parody of r/SquaredCircle, full of hilarious wrestling satire and playful jabs at the SC community. It was actually funny. Now? Not so much. Every post feels like some random opinion from a newbie who thinks they’ve figured out WWE.
I hate SCJerk now.
I know, I know…
But it’s true. Every time I open Reddit, it’s like SCJerk is flooded with tired insults and nonsense. That’s all it is now.
They’re just chasing engagement. And it’s obvious—people are slaves to the algorithm now. Reddit’s turning into Instagram with every passing day.
And the repetition? It’s unbearable. Same jokes, same tired content.
Here’s my advice: Don’t open SCJerk more than once a week.
If you’re still holding on, trust me, you don’t want to subject yourself to that daily frustration. Once a week, check the page, sort the posts by top, and maybe skim through 20-30 posts. That’s all you need to do. I’m not even sure you’ll find 20 new jokes in a week.
You’ll find plenty of opinions and some propaganda, but where are the jokes? The fun? The jibes?
SCJerk has just become a haven for whatever liberal trend is popular at the moment, and honestly, they’re acting just like the old Reddit crowd they used to mock.
The jokes? They’re barely jokes. They’re just one word: Hivemind.
That’s all they can come up with.
It’s clear to me now—SCJerk has turned into a groupthink factory. Have an opinion? Good luck if it’s different from theirs. If you don’t fall in line, you get shut down.
Isn’t that what they used to criticize r/SquaredCircle for? But now they’re doing the same thing. Isn’t that what parody is supposed to be—mocking that same mentality?
And don’t even think about having a real wrestling discussion. The groupthink squad will swarm and derail it, just to keep things in their little echo chamber.
Sometimes, SCJerk feels downright condescending…
…like they think they’re better than other wrestling fans. Newsflash: they’re not.
Here’s how you know a community has fallen: when almost every other sub starts distancing itself from them.
And that’s exactly what’s happening with SCJerk now. Mention it anywhere else on Reddit, and you’ll likely get banned or at least dismissed.
Now, what’s with all the memes and videos?
SCJerk used to be a text-based sub. Barely any images or videos. But now? Like every other sub, it’s full of image and video memes.
Some of them still poke fun at wrestling and storylines, but most are just pushing social issues, way off the mark from what SCJerk was supposed to be about. The original motive is long gone.
Take this post for example:
One on SCJerk talking about sexism: “If Dakota doesn’t win, it’s because Triple K is racist or sexist!”

How is this even remotely SCJerk? You’ll see posts like this every day now. Where’s the originality? The foundation?
I’m gonna be straight with you.
SCJerk’s just another Insta-style subreddit now, chasing upvotes, comments, engagement—that’s all.
Nothing else. And honestly? That frustrates the hell out of me.
It’s like the vibe of the old internet has completely disappeared. And that’s sad.
Anyway, my take here: Stay away from SCJerk.
Brad out!
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