Copy Paste En Dash, Em Dash, and Three Other Hyphens Instantly

Quickly copy and paste en dash, em dash, and 3 other hyphen styles. Use them to make your text better arranged. Copy-paste these dashes and hyphens anywhere.

En Dash, Em Dash, and Three Other Hyphens

Hey. Brad here.

Let’s talk about something you use every day but might not think about—dashes and hyphens.

Here’s the thing. I was looking up common writing issues they face. Especially on Medium as Medium is getting so popular now!

And it turns out a lot of people are confused about these various types of dashes.

Not just how to use them but where to find them!

Em dashes. En dashes. Figure dashes—it can get confusing.

Brad says – “No more!”

Below, You’ll find a simple copy-paste option for all the dashes and hyphens you’ll need.

Just click. Copy. And paste.

Also, in case you use these hyphens or dashes to make dividers between your paragraphs, then I have a better option. Instead of using dashes, copy and paste dividers here.

Okay, so let’s see some dashes now!

Let’s make your writing look better and well-polished with hyphens!

Copy-Paste Dashes and Hyphens Here

Choose your required option from below. We have Em dash, En dash, Figure dash, Hyphen, and Minus sign symbols for you to copy and paste. Pick one and click on the copy button.

So, did you find what you were looking for?

Which one did you pick? – Em dash, En dash, Figure dash, Hyphen, or Minus sign?

In case you are looking for length of each dash type, here’s a table based on length:

Dash NameLength Order
Figure DashShorter than En Dash
En DashMedium
Em DashLonger than En Dash
Horizontal BarLongest

Let me know in the comments which one you picked and why! Let everyone learn something from you too!

Also, if you need me to add more such symbols, please use the contact page or comment below and I will add more symbols to my copy-paste database.

Till then, keep writing and keep rocking!


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